Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Existence

Who am I?
What is the purpose of my stay in this World?
Am I a Crop or Weed?
Did anyone ever ponder over such questions? 

"I am not what Happened to Me,
I am what I Choose to Become."
By Carl Gustav Jung
I'm what the situations turn me into and mostly what I decide to be. My situations, my upbringing might be different from others which plays a major role I agree but in the end it's Me who decides what I want to be. Many people comment if I were in that situation I would do this or that, but according to me we can never judge others by just superficially viewing their conditions. What is their mental state and physical ability no one knows. And most importantly we are not here to judge others, we are here to play our role not to disturb others role. I am Unique, I am Special, I am Talented, I am what I believe not what others think.

Now the next question, What is the purpose of my stay in this World?
" Life without a Purpose is like body without Soul"
By Unknown author
Sometimes when we are surrounded by problems we think what's the use of such life, why was I born. But despite of all troubles we face we all have a purpose to stay here. Or in simple words troubles are not actually problem but they are hidden blessings, yes I mean to say Blessings. Just think of any problem you have faced and the effect it had on you. Problems are just a means to polish you to be a better human. Troubles are the life time experience we attain. And as first question it's absolutely yourself who decides how enact in our problems which defines our purpose of stay. Don't make your problems an excuse for your wrong decisions because there are people with bigger problems yet they make better decisions. So decide your Stay and take a step. It's never too Late to improve yourself. You can do for sure. Believe in yourself.

Lastly the last question and the most important one: Am I a Crop or Weed?
" Life is one time Offer,
Use it Well"
By Unknown author
The words crop and weed are used just as synonym to what we are. As we all are already familiar crops are the useful whereas weeds are harmful. What about the appearance of both? Crops are beautiful but Weeds overtake the beauty of crops and often we don't feel to throw them even though we know they are harmful. Same goes with us also, Who are we ? Do we just appear to be good on outer end and internally pollute the relations and trust which people put on us. Or we are crops whose external packaging might be not attractive but internally we try with all our might to help, guide, protect people around us. Think, Ponder, Worry over these facts of reality because these are hard facts which decides WHO WE ARE? Remember in this world if you Give affection without any Expectations you will receive in Huge amount back. Do your part well (not to get appraisal from any living beings) and rest leave to to Almighty, you will never ever Regret your decision. 

Last but not the least:

because I know my Weaknesses 
because I am aware of my Flaws
because I learn to recognize illusions from Real
because I learn from my Mistakes
because I have felt Hate
because I have known Sadness"
By Unknown author


  1. Really appreciate what u wrote but as for me, I never get polished due to troubles.m chnging into evn worse person n unknowingly hurt others.wats more disappointing is dat evn if m right, every1 proves me wrong n I hv to live wid dat degrading myself trampling ovr my self respect

    1. First of all thank u for appreciation.
      Secondly I disagree that u r not getting polished. The process of making diamond appears to be simple but it isn't. There are only 3 steps:
      1- Applying high pressure
      2- Passing through high heat and
      3- Cut as desired
      So like stone doesn't know in which stage it is, same is with u. May b u have passed 2 steps already and this is the last trail or u have just passed level 1 no one knows. But if u lose hope now u will b just few steps away from success. Higher the pressure better u would become so have patience and hope and most importantly trust yourself u can do it. Everything will pass, nothing is stagnant everything and every problem moves. So hope for best and believe me you can do it...

  2. As a budding writer u have done a great job...keep up the good work
